"Sweet Paprika #1: A Boss Bitch's Rise to Success with Stunning Artwork, but a Lack of Backstory Leaves Readers Wanting More"

“Sweet Paprika drops you off in the middle of a story and kinds of leaves you there to quickly figure things out.”

Why I Picked It?

I picked it because I am always looking for new comics to immerse myself in especially ones that are geared toward adults. I am a sucker for an amazing cover and it immediately drew me in so I purchased it. 

What I Didn’t Like.

I didn’t like how I felt like it started in the middle of a story. I felt like I was missing some pertinent information that would've helped me know more about Paprika. I know this is the first installment in the series so I will definitely continue to see how it goes. 

What I Did Like.

I enjoyed that they made Paprika a boss bitch that climbed her way to success without the help of others. The art style for this comic is amazing and it is what kept me engaged throughout the reading of the comic. Dill is a ladies' man and that's pretty much all you get from him besides them making him Paprika’s potential love interest. I did enjoy that she has been playing the long game with him and won't fall into his grasp so easily but you can tell that it is going to happen.


This got 3 stars from me because I felt like I could've used a little more backstory on the characters because I felt like I was missing something that would've made me develop some kind of feelings for the characters or at least a hint as to why they behave that way but the art style and the potential as to where this can go is why it got 3 stars. 


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